Everyone is born with two grandmothers, but I had the fortune of being blessed with a third a bit later in life: my sweet grandmum, Jayne Tibbles. She made me feel like family immediately and was just naturally a nurturer of people, plants, and animals alike. Grandmum radiated kindness, a joy for life, and warmth; I can still feel that warmth today. I am picturing us sitting in her lovely garden, enjoying her whimsical humor and insightful musings on a sunny day. I will cherish moments like those, and I regret not having more. I love you, Grandmum.
My thoughts are with Peter, Andy, and Brian, my dear granddad. Granddad, the love and devotion between you and Grandmum was palpable, and I'm so glad that she was always in good hands. Peter, thank you for being a wonderful stepfather and for bringing Brian and Jayne into my life. My condolences and love to all.
"By the North Sea"
Her cheek was wet with North Sea spray,
We walked where tide and shingle meet;
The long waves rolled from far away
To purr in ripples at our feet.
And as we walked it seemed to me
That three old friends had met that day,
The old, old sky, the old, old sea,
And love, which is as old as they.
Out seaward hung the brooding mist
We saw it rolling, fold on fold,
And marked the great Sun alchemist
Turn all its leaden edge to gold,
Look well, look well, oh lady mine,
The gray below, the gold above,
For so the grayest life may shine
All golden in the light of love.
-Arthur Conan Doyle
17th November 2022